Automatic Scribing for Nursing Teams

The only solution that automatically fills out patient flowsheets using vocal instructions given by nurses as they interact with the patient.

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Nurses can spend 40% of their shift doing documentation. We double a nurse's productivity, and reduce documentation burden with a voice  flowsheet interface.

It's not just Voice to Text. Meru is the only end-to-end solution that fills out flowsheets directly:

Nursing Notes Demo

Patient with mostly normal systems but has poor vision, urinary incontinence, rough lung sounds, a weak left leg pulse, and limited movement in their limbs.

Live Recording


Pt Neuro WDL, EENT WDl except impaired vision bilaterally, CV WDL except left lower extremity pedal pulse present only with doppler, Respiratory WDL except lung sounds coarse throughout, GI/GU WDL, except urinary incontinence, musculoskeletal with partial and passive range of motion in all extremities, integumentary is WDL

Updated Flowsheet

Parameter Updated Value
Neurovascular Left Lower Extremity WDL Exceptions to WDL
Right Eye Impaired vision
Left Eye Impaired vision
Cardiac WDL Exceptions to WDL
Pulse Dorsalis Pedis Lt 1+=Present with Doppler
Pulse Post Tibial Lt 1+=Present with Doppler
Respiratory WDL Exceptions to WDL
All Breath Sounds Coarse crackles
Genitourinary WDL Exceptions to WDL
Urine Function Incontinence
Musculoskeletal WDL Exceptions to WDL
Right Upper Extremity Partial ROM, Passive ROM
Left Upper Extremity Partial ROM, Passive ROM
Right Lower Extremity Partial ROM, Passive ROM
Left Lower Extremity Partial ROM, Passive ROM

Patient with pain and numbness in the right leg, uses a urinary device, has limited leg movement with some bleeding, mild swelling, and bruises and scratches on the arms and legs.

Live Recording


Pt neuro WDL except pain and numbness in right lower extremity, strengths in right upper extremity 2, left lower extremity 4, neurovascular check right lower extremity is 2+ strength, pain present, dorsalis pedis pulse is 1+, post tibial pulse 1+, skin is warm, race appropriate with a cap refill 3 seconds, Cardiac is WDL except 3 second cap refill, non-pitting edema present in right lower extremity, Respiratory WDL, GI WDL, GU WDL except foley present (urinary device), musculoskeletal is WDL except partial range of motion in bilateral lower extremities and an external fixator present on right lower leg with some bleeding present around pin sites, Integumentary is WDL except bruising and scratches noted on upper extremities and bruising on lower extremities. A foam prevention dressing has been placed on the sacrum.

Updated Flowsheet

Parameter Updated Value
Neurological WDL Exceptions to WDL
All Extremity Sensation Abnormal sensation in specific extremity/extremities
Sensation RLE Pain, Numbness
All Extremity Strength Abnormal strength in specific extremity/extremities
Extremity Strength RUE 2=Active Movement Against Gravity
Extremity Strength RLE 2=Active Movement Against Gravity
Extremity Strength LLE 4=Active Movement Against Moderate Resistance
Extended Neurological Assessment Yes
Neurovascular Right Lower Extremity WDL Exceptions to WDL
Right Lower Extremity Temperature Warm
Right Lower Extremity Cap Refill (Seconds) 3 seconds
Right Lower Extremity Color Race Appropriate
Cardiac WDL Exceptions to WDL
Cap Refill (secs) 3 seconds
RLE Edema Non-pitting
Pulse Dorsalis Pedis Rt 1+=Present with Doppler
Pulse Post Tibial Rt 1+=Present with Doppler
Genitourinary WDL Exceptions to WDL
Urine Function Urinary device/ostomy present (See LDA)
Musculoskeletal WDL Exceptions to WDL
Right Lower Extremity Partial ROM
Left Lower Extremity Partial ROM
Musculoskeletal Devices Yes
Fixator 1 Location Right
Fixator 1 Assessment Bleeding
Integumentary WDL Exceptions to WDL
Upper Extremities Condition Bruising, Scratches
Lower Extremities Condition Bruising
Prevention Dressing Foam dressing
Prevention Dressing Location Options Sacrum/Coccyx

Patient with impaired vision, missing teeth, generalized mild swelling, bowel incontinence, uses a urinary device, and limited movement in all extremities.

Live Recording


Neuro WDL, EENT WDL, except impaired vision bilaterally and missing teeth, Cardiac WDL except generalized non-pitting edema 1+, Respiratory WDL, GI is WDL except bowel incontinence, last BM 5/3/24, GI WDL except foley present (urinary device), musculoskeletal is WDL except all extremities with partial ROM, integumentary system WDL'

Updated Flowsheet

Parameter Updated Value
Right Eye Impaired vision
Left Eye Impaired vision
Teeth Missing teeth
Cardiac WDL Exceptions to WDL
Generalized Edema Non-pitting
Gastrointestinal WDL Exceptions to WDL
All Quadrants Bowel Sounds Present
Bowel Function Incontinent
Last Bowel Movement Date 5/3/24
Genitourinary WDL Exceptions to WDL
Urine Function Urinary device/ostomy present (See LDA)
Musculoskeletal WDL Exceptions to WDL
Right Upper Extremity Partial ROM
Left Upper Extremity Partial ROM
Right Lower Extremity Partial ROM
Left Lower Extremity Partial ROM

Patient with hoarse speech, mild swelling, decreased lung sounds, productive cough, tender abdomen, stool incontinence, and limited movement in all extremities.

Live Recording


PT neuro WDL except hoarse speech, pupils 3 brisk and round bilaterally, Cardiac WDL except generalized non pitting edema, Respiratory is WDL, except decreased lung sounds in right lower lobe, cough is spontaneous and productive, patient suctioned with small amount of thick cloudy yellow secretions, GI is WDL except abdomen is tender and patient is incontinent of stool, GU WDL, Musculoskeletal WDL except partial ROM in all extremities, integumentary system is WDL.

Updated Flowsheet

Part Condition
Neurological WDL Exceptions to WDL
Speech/Communication Hoarse
Pupil Reaction Right Brisk
Pupil Shape Right Round
Pupil Size Right (mm) 3
Pupil Reaction Left Brisk
Pupil Shape Left Round
Pupil Size Left (mm) 3
Precautions Aspiration
Cardiac WDL Exceptions to WDL
Generalized Edema Non-pitting
Respiratory WDL Exceptions to WDL
Right Base Breath Sounds Decreased
Cough Spontaneous, Productive
Suction Route Oral suctioned
Sputum Amount Small
Sputum Consistency Thick
Sputum Color Cloudy
Gastrointestinal WDL Exceptions to WDL
Abdomen Tender
All Quadrants Bowel Sounds Present
Bowel Function Incontinent
Musculoskeletal WDL Exceptions to WDL
Right Upper Extremity Partial ROM
Left Upper Extremity Partial ROM
Right Lower Extremity Partial ROM
Left Lower Extremity Partial ROM

Patient with anxiety but cooperative, intubated, impaired hearing and vision, heart click, decreased lung sounds, distended abdomen, diarrhea, incontinence, and bruised, dry skin.

Live Recording


Neuro WDL except pt is anxious but cooperative, follows commands appropriately, intubated/trached, strengths are 4s in uppers and 3s in lowers, EENT is WDL except bilateral hearing and vision impairments, tongue and oral mucosa is dry, teeth are decayed and missing, Cardiac is WDL except click present, Respiratory is WDL except decreased lung sounds in the right base, GI is WDL except abdomen is distended, pt with diarrhea and incontinence, GU is WDL except foley present, Musculoskeletal is WDL, Integumentary is WDL except skin over trunk back and upper extremities is bruised, dry and flaking.

Updated Flowsheet

Part Condition
Neurological WDL Exceptions to WDL
Behavior/Affect Cooperative
Cognition Follows Commands
Speech/Communication Intubated/trached
All Extremity Strength Abnormal strength in specific extremity/extremities
Extremity Strength RUE 4=Active Movement Against Moderate Resistance
Extremity Strength RLE 3=Active Movement Against Gravity
Extremity Strength LUE 4=Active Movement Against Moderate Resistance
Extremity Strength LLE 3=Active Movement Against Gravity
Precautions Aspiration
Right Eye Impaired vision
Left Eye Impaired vision
Right Ear Impaired hearing
Left Ear Impaired hearing
Throat Dry
Tongue Dry
Oral Mucous Membrane Dry
Teeth Decayed, Missing teeth
Cardiac WDL Exceptions to WDL
Heart Sounds Click
Respiratory WDL Exceptions to WDL
Right Base Breath Sounds Decreased
Artificial Airway Present (See LDA)
Gastrointestinal WDL Exceptions to WDL
Abdomen Distended
Bowel Function Diarrhea, Incontinent
Genitourinary WDL Exceptions to WDL
Urine Function Urinary device/ostomy present (See LDA)
Integumentary WDL Exceptions to WDL
Trunk/Back Condition Bruising, Dry, Flaky
Upper Extremities Condition Bruising, Dry, Flaky
Prevention Dressing Foam dressing

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